It was only about a year and a half ago
when SB 1 went into effect, as part Governor Schwarzenegger’s “Million Solar Roofs Plan.” The plan will
provide 3,000 megawatts of additional clean energy and reduce the output of greenhouse gases by 3 million tons, which is like
taking 1 million cars off of the roads.
SB1 expanded the plan’s incentive program
to customers of municipal-owned utilities, such as the LADWP. It also provided that consumers may sell their excess solar
power back to the grid, and requires large housing developments to offer solar power options to home buyers.
The plan is gaining momentum. The installation of solar photovoltaic
panels is happening all across California, and in some instances, in huge construction projects, such as the new DMV building
in San Diego County and the large Southern California Edison roof-top project in Fontana, California.
Please contact me to learn more about “green buildings.”